Celebrate Fairfax (in 90 degree heat)

Hello again!

Today's schedule was, for once, completely wide open. The joy! I was thinking of checking out a local brewery, but stumbled on this local festival instead: Celebrate Fairfax. Patrick and I were able to park at a nearby lot in Fair Lakes and take a free shuttle to the festivities. Super convenient.

First stop: Food! Smoky bbq chicken (Patrick) and food truck quesadillas (me). Plus sno-cones and ice cream later--yum! The sun was searing and Patrick mercifully let me wear his hat so we found him one later. ;)  

Attractions: There were tons of vendors, from local animal shelters to clothing pop-ups. We petted some sweet, well-trained dogs and watched a dog long jump competition. One at a time, each dog leaped into a pool of water and a judge announced their jumping lengths to the crowd. The longest jump we witnessed was 18 feet! I'd never seen anything like this before so it was my favorite part of the day. 

We saw more animals over at the petting zoo: llamas, bunnies, sheep and goats. I maneuvered around the little kids to pet the hay-eating kids. So cute!

Mental Floss: We wandered into a robotics tent and took on the challenge of their maze. You had two minutes to complete different tasks, each of which could earn you points. Patrick and I both made it through the door and maze for a total of 15 points. We didn't quite master the balance or stacking cups though...the remote control was tricky! I couldn't help thinking that maybe I needed to play more video games after all. BUT, we made it on the leader board along with some competent 8 to 10 year olds.

Point of Exhaustion: After a few hours of walking around in the heat, we admitted defeat and took the shuttle back to our car. We skipped over the carnival, escape room, and probably a few other things, but I think we got our money's worth. FYI, if you're interested in going next year, you can find more info at http://celebratefairfax.com/info/. Friday and Saturday nights included fireworks at dark and live music too. I hope you enjoyed your Sunday as well!



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