New Beginnings

As summer comes to an end, I find it appropriate to transition my blog into a new name (don't worry, no pumpkin spice is involved). I've settled on A Healthy Balance, a mantra I've adopted as a goal for myself over the past several years. Finding a healthy balance is challenging. Work, fitness, friends and family...there are so many opportunities for action, and choices to make. Sometimes, I've learned, the best decision is saying no, and finding time to recharge. If nothing else, I hope that simply reading this blog title over and over again will remind me to strive for that balance, and that sometimes "having it all" involves rest.

This fall I've begun a new job teaching third grade. I don't know how often I'll update the blog, but I'm excited to have it available as a quiet, reflective tool, a way to create a space of calm during all the action. Thank you to everyone who's kept up over the summer--I truly appreciate your comments and feedback. All of this summer's posts are still available, the name and address have simply changed. 

Lastly, if you have any specific requests for topics that you'd like me to write about, let me know! I hope everyone is making a smooth transition into the fall season. 



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