Ipsy Glam Bag Review

I like getting mail. I also enjoy an element of mystery. I want to try new beauty products without spending oodles of money and wasting unused product. All of these considerations led me to Ipsy, a subscription based service where you receive a "Glam Bag" for $10 each month. The package includes an actual zippered make-up bag along with five product samples tucked inside. 

The samples are supposedly tailored to your personalized needs. When signing up, you complete a short quiz where you describe your appearance (skin tone, hair and eye color) and favorite types of makeup products/brands. You can also identify any skin or hair concerns (dryness, redness, etc.) and which colors you prefer for lipstick, eyeshadow, etc. The quiz was quick but comprehensive. 

So were my preferences reflected in the products I've received? Eh. I'm really not sure. But has the overall experience been worth the price? Yes (so far).

In my first bag, my favorite product by far was a black liquid eyeliner. It has a felt tip (which I think is pretty common) that makes applying it easy and I'm totally converted! Bye bye eyeliner pencil! The pink mud mask smelled like strawberries which was slightly disconcerting while on my face. I have extra left over which is nice. I tried to use one of the shadows and was underwhelmed. For $10, the eyeliner alone made it worth it. 

My second bag contained two masks, a brow pencil, a gold eyeliner pencil and a tinted foundation primer. I'm not sure that the primer or eyeliner are good matches for my skin tone and I already have a brow pencil I love. The masks are fun though and the bag is textured and functional. Again, the samples are generous in size so I will be able to use each mask at least twice. Considering the excitement of opening the package, I again think the experience was worth $10.

The Ipsy website has other perks like discounted rates for purchasing full-sized products, video tutorials, and giveaways (which require posting photos on social media). Overall, I think the subscription is frivolous but fun. My StitchFix subscription would end up costing me much more per month ($20 styling fee even if you didn't decide to keep any clothes). In comparison, Ipsy is a harmless indulgence. I'll probably use it a few more months and then throw my money elsewhere. If nothing else, I'll always have the eyeliner. ;)

If you're interested in trying Ipsy, check out the website here: Ipsy.com

It doesn't get more "Glam" than this.


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