Three Ways to Practice Self-Care

Self-care is my weakness. All of my responsibilities and obligations tend to come first, and then the day is over and it's time for bed. The problem is that the to-do list will never be fully completed, so we must give ourselves permission to take a time-out when we know we need it. Or really, before you reach the point of really needing it. Here are three ways I'm walking my talk these days, when it comes to self-care:

1. I'm exercising more regularly, with help from the nifty fitness app 8fit. The app provides you with short, doable workouts customized to your goals. The workouts are similar enough to feel familiar, but there's enough variety in structure to keep things interesting. For example, some workouts have you do as many rounds of exercises as you can in a given amount of time, and other workouts are simply a certain amount of rounds (untimed). For each exercise, the app shows you a video of someone performing that move while you're doing it so you can check your form. You can also play upbeat music through the app, which is a simple way to keep yourself going. I started at the "novice" level of workouts, where workouts are only about 10-12 minutes long and I'm already seeing (and feeling) results. You can do the workouts anywhere, since no equipment is required. Seriously, guys, this is a gem.

2. I've started soaking with bath salts. After telling people for years that "I'm not a bath person," I acknowledge the benefit of surrendering to a warm bath, especially one that leaves my body feeling so relaxed and heavy. The bath itself forces me to take a break from my electronics, so that doesn't hurt either. Best of all, perhaps, is how cheap epsom salt is at the store! If you don't have time for a full body massage, this is the perfect alternative. Now I just need a bath upgrade...Check out this Women's Health article with more clever uses for epsom salts: 6 Unexpected Health and Beauty Benefits of Epsom Salt (Women's Health)

3. I make time for relaxing moments in the day. Well, one specifically. After my third graders finish lunch and have a bathroom break, we congregate in the classroom on the carpet and I pick up our ongoing chapter book. I read to the class and they just listen. We don't have big teachable moments and the girls play with each other's hair but I don't stop them because I know that can be de-stressing too. I read and we all relax. After about 10-15 minutes, I try to wrap up the book for the day amidst protests to "Keep reading!" Even the littlest of people need a respite during the day.

What helps you take care of yourself? A weekly yoga class? Date night or girls' night? I want to know!



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