Dental Recycling at The Nokesville School

My mom wasn't a hippie but she sure does love recycling. A first grade teacher at The Nokesville School, she's merged environmental stewardship with charitable giving, teaching her students several healthy habits in unison. 

Working through the company TerraCycle, Mrs. Cheshire collects empty toothpaste, deodorant, floss, and mouthwash containers, as well as old toothbrushes for her recycling project. The program is officially sponsored by Toms of Maine, but any brand of the products are accepted. 
In exchange for the donated items, participants receive 2 cents per item. Mrs. Cheshire donates the money to Heifer International, an organization that gives animals to people in impoverished areas, providing them with the training and tools needed to take care of their animals. The idea is to give a gift that keeps on giving. You can learn more here. So far, Mrs. Cheshire and her recycling crew have donated over $200 to Heifer International.

In addition to donating the money, Mrs. Cheshire teaches her students about the importance of recycling and how the charity works. One children's book in particular, Beatrice's Goat does a great job of demonstrating how Heifer International works. You can also hear the book on youtube.
If you're interested in supporting Mrs. Cheshire's recycling program, hold on to your empty dental items! You can drop them off at The Nokesville School, give them to her at church, or mail them to either of us (message me for address).

Thanks guys and happy Saturday!



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