New Year Reflection (Personal)

I haven't done a "Top 9" yet. I want to reflect on my own, first, without being swayed by how many "likes" a photo got. Some of the biggest hurdles and successes of this year never showed up on Instagram, anyway.

The most notable excitements of the year include getting engaged and buying a townhouse--two things I've wanted for so long but was unwilling to take the plunge if it didn't feel right. God whispered to me to look at Stafford, and I finally had the lightbulb moment of "This is the one!" when I found our end-unit, wooded view house in a diverse neighborhood that felt spacious and calm, and oh! So many windows to let in natural light! I stretched my budget more than I like (frugality suits me better) but it was the right choice, and I have no regrets. 

The summer was tough, being in a new place without friends and too much free time. (Patrick doesn't believe that too much free time is a thing, but for me, it definitely is.) I ended up driving an hour to Gainesville when I needed connection, wandering around Fredericksburg and into endless thrift stores, and doing puzzles at the kitchen table. Lots of puzzles. While I was dying for attention from Patrick, he was drowning in his job. Berated by his boss for any mistake, bombarded by texts at all hours of the night...he had no energy left to give. It was tough on both of us. I've never felt such relief to return to work, eager to be of use and be in control of something. Patrick began searching for a new job, and I felt conflicting waves of stress over the uncertainty and relief that his misery was over. 

I love third grade. I felt that fall like I was really hitting my stride as an educator. I quickly bonded with our new math specialist and she helped me execute guided math groups to a level of effectiveness that I hadn't before achieved. I began meeting with truly differentiated groups focused on problem-solving and number sense, also differentiating their partner practice games and sometimes the independent activities as well. We began doing these math stations twice a week, which still left plenty of space for me to teach lessons whole group or do other activities that needed more time. Meghan became an ally, support system, and friend and I am so grateful to have her nearby.

In late October, I believe, Patrick began his new job as the manager of a Goodwill store in Woodbridge. His previous management and retail experience shone through in his interviews, and his expertise on the job was quickly praised and admired by his new bosses. I am so thankful for this positive feedback and affirmation. His commute is usually about 20 minutes, and his schedule varies enough that he can sleep in later some days. When he's working, the hours pass quickly, and I take that as a sign that he is immersed in his work rather than trudging along. It can be challenging when I am off and he is not (he has to work one day every weekend, and no extended teacher breaks, of course), but I've accepted this and am so grateful for the new opportunity and his improvement in mental health.

I'm trying not to obsess about the house too much, but I did reach out on a limb and contact a design team in Winchester, VA. I saw the work they did on my friend Maeve's nursery, and contacted them in hopes of some clarity for how to proceed with decorating our family room. It's our biggest space, and somewhat unusually shaped...also we couldn't fit our full-sized sofa up the stairs so pretty much all we had when I contacted them was an old Ikea loveseat and a tv. Throughout the process of working together, I gained a better grasp of the style I like and found some excellent deals on new furniture. The designers were sensitive to my budget and which pieces I was willing to move in and out of the space. They were such a pleasure to work with. I am still in the process of enacting our design plan, but it already feels so much more like home! (If you want to check them out here.

This year I also continued to expand my Teachers Pay Teachers store. The goal I set for the year I surpassed by over $500!  A great lesson in not underestimating myself. The extra paycheck each month has mostly gone into the house. I'm motivated to keep growing my store but I also want to devote more time this coming year to reading and writing for pleasure, things without financial incentive. I am still learning how to balance my "drive" with rest and play. I always push myself too much to be productive and I am slowly learning that productivity is not king. 

There you have it! My end-of-the-year summary that by no means captures everything but certainly shares what is on my heart as I look back on this past year. I've been pushed to grow in so many ways, and am so thankful to have Patrick by my side, as well as my immensely supportive parents and friends. Here's to 2019!




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