5 Reasons Why I LOVE the Real Housewives

Why do we enjoy certain reality television shows and not others? I can't stomach The Bachelor but I adore Real Housewives, despite objections from family members. When I lived with my parents, my Dad would notoriously ask, "Do you feel dumber after watching this?" If it's The Kardashians, my answer is yes. I will watch 20 minutes every now and then but do feel brain cells slipping away. I don't usually feel the same way about The Real Housewives, however, and I've taken some time to consider why:

1. I enjoy analyzing the social dynamics. Who would I be friends with? On which side of a disagreement would I stand? Would I have reacted the same or differently in a specific social circumstance? It's fascinating to see the different levels of vulnerability within the group, the range of communication styles and skills, and the ladies' ability (or inability) to forgive and move on after conflict. Watching reminds me of how I want to behave and treat my friends--being compassionate like Teddi, standing my ground like Erika, laughing it off like Lisa Rina. It also reminds me of how I DON'T want to behave, like being petty about small, stupid things, or talking poorly about someone else (because it will come back to you!). There are so many social nuances to unpack, and I thoroughly enjoy it. 

2. I can travel vicariously through them. These ladies take exotic vacations! In recent years the housewives of Beverly Hills have traveled to Amsterdam, Dubai and Hong Kong. Amsterdam is on my bucket list, but I'm not sure if I'll ever make it to the other two. Sweeping landscape views, daily excursions, luxury accommodations and shopping, of course. It's like watching the Travel Channel but better because you also have the ongoing storyline of the show and know the tourists! 
Beverly Hills ladies in Dubai!

3. I can gawk at the extravagance. Ever watch MTV Cribs? Then you get it. These houses (mansions) are simply incredible. Scenic views, enormous closets, fairytale landscaping (Lisa Vanderpump's Rosa Villa...). I can admire the luxury without yearning for it. Okay, maybe I yearn for the views, but the rest of it is excessive. I liken it to window shopping--it's fun to look at the expensive, shiny things but I know I don't really need them or want to spend my money that way. Living life at that extravagant level is not my goal. Seeing the personal struggles of each lady also serves as a good reminder that you can have all the material things you want and still not have a perfect life. It's just stuff. 

Lisa V.'s backyard...part of it at least 

4. The hairstyles and outfits! Some of these ladies change their hair every episode--Dorit and Erika to be exact. Erika's "glam squad" also creates over-the-top "looks" that are absurdly magnificent! I don't care about the Birkin bags or designer shoes but I love seeing the clothes the ladies wear to various events. Hair and makeup are icing on the cake, completing the look. I never knew there were so many options! Watching the show inspires me to be more adventurous with my own outfits. I recently bought I cotton kimono from a thrift store. When I finally got up the courage to wear it out to dinner, I got compliments from the hostess and waitress within minutes of arriving. Stretching your comfort zone can be a fun challenge. You don't have to be rich to take fashion risks!

5. The one-liners. You really can't beat them. From the opening taglines to nterview digs, the entertainment level soars. Bethenny Frankel and Erika Girardi drop the best truth bombs, and exude a "take it or leave it" attitude that's admirable. Lisa Vanderpump can be counted on for snide digs and dry humor laced with a smirk. Not all the housewives are witty, but even dumb comments or mediocre explanations for behavior can be entertaining. If you've seen the ridiculous opening taglines, you'll probably enjoy this recent SNL spoof--check it out here.

What do you guys think? Love it? Can't stand it? I currently watch only two of the series: Beverly Hills and New York City. The personalities of the ladies makes a big difference in how enjoyable the show can be. I think there needs to be at least one person on the show who you find down-to-earth and more relatable. That being said...I fully enjoy the shows that I watch! 



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